Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Training - Wednesday 7/27/17 - Weightlifting

The first Wednesday of each non specific 4 week cycle will be the full range of motion weightlifting movements: snatch, and the clean and jerk.
Work will be done around the 70-75%, or 7 rpe, zone.
I do not program these movements in the traditional sets and reps scheme. I believe that set up is good when your desired effect is achieved through time under tension using a specific resistance of your 1RM, as well as a few other instances, but I do not find it ideal here because the intent when performing these movements is the development and expression of power. To be powerful, train powerful. No one cares about that guy that claims he can snatch 300lbs for 2 sets of 5 reps, the guy that will produce the most force will be the one who can snatch 450 for 1. With this in mind, I train snatch first at the mentioned rpe or %RM until I feel speed start to diminish in that movement. If I had a tendo I would use this instead, until then I have to use my senses. Going into cleans as soon as this loss in speed occurs acts as a self regulator from going too heavy too soon in the cleans where you can move much more weight.
As I said before, the first 2 weeks will be the full movements and then the 3rd week will be the power variations from the floor, and the 4th week will be power variations from the hang. The full versions require greater rom, thereby requiring more work, which can be considered a variable of volume so they come first in every cycle. The 3rd week takes some of the rom out of the motion and also simplifies the technique a little, which psychologically will be welcomed as intensity in other parts of the program are starting to go up in week 3. On the 4th week, we shorten the rom even more while still allowing for the expression and development of power with the hanging power variations.
The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week will all be loads ~80-85%RM, or 8-9 rpe. My time spent learning from Risto Sports taught me that this range is where maximal strength and speed gains were made in Soviet athletes (and I highly recommend going to learn from Ristos), so this is where 3 out of the 4 weeks in a non specific training cycle will be spent on these lifts. Maxing out can be programmed when it is obvious the progress is being made to set a new PR.
More can be said about how Wednesdays can be programmed, but lets save it and see what I actually did.

AM session
mobility warm up

A1. working up to ~75%RM in snatch, time spend snatching was 25-30 min

B1. worked up to ~75%RM in the clean, time spent in the clean was 20-25 min

C1. Snatch grip deadlifts - 3x6

PM Session

recovery cardio

20 min running and walking intervals covering roughly 2 miles.