Haven't had a chance to dive back into the thick of things on this periodization model I'm fiddling with, but I at least wanted to keep my training log up to date for the 1 or 2 of you following along out there.
After 2 crossfit workouts on Friday, with Fran in the morning and double DT in the evening, my body was dog shit on Saturday. I literally felt like cement. A lot of crossfit workouts require using deep skeletal muscles in the same fashion as rock climbing due to swinging on bars or rings. Even the high reps of weightlifting movement variations hit them to a degree as well. This is an important consideration when taking on crossfit that a lot of people don't consider. The deep connective tissues don't recover as quickly as the more superficial muscles, and I believe this may be where a lot of injuries come from when people take on crossfit. Most of us stop using our muscles like this sometime in our childhood. We go from swinging around on bars and trees to taking on more controlled exercise with dumbbells, machines, and strict barbell movements. Muscles are not just muscles. There are layers and levels....anyways, I'm about to turn this into something way deeper than I mean to at this time, so let's get back on track.
I was dog shit on Saturday.
So when Sunday rolled around and I knew I was still going to be feeling rough, there was only 1 thing to plan. A bullshit bodybuilding workout.
As much as your brain and body fought me going into the gym, getting in there and pumping my sore muscles with blood helped a tremendous amount.
It would be pointless for me to write out exactly what I did because it was just a quick 30 minute pump routine where I hit individual muscles for sets of 10-15. I literally just walked around the gym and did random exercises.
And it felt great! I no longer felt like a bag of cement, and I woke up Monday ready to attack the gym.
-2nd week rotation. Monday-
*c1 was 4 sets of 8
Building on from week 1, we get into a 5x5 set up today. I took away the moving exercises as well, and replaced them with ones more on the pure strengthening side of the continuum.
Came back later that day and worked on my running ability as well. Still doing a jog / walk mix, but increasing the distance I run each time, as well as the overall time of the session. I also take the time during every running session to do tibia and calf work.
-Weightlifting Wednesday_
Nothing special as far as program structure here. I continue to work on honing in technique, flexibility, and speed. I keep light, and use the speed of the bar as my measuring stick for how heavy to go. When I feel that I try to use my strength instead of technique, I back off a little and work there. Snatches, then C&J, then power snatches and snatch pulls.